good game
final verdic: 39/40%
good game
final verdic: 39/40%
not bad but
i think there shoulduv been a little more death options so
the result... 8/10
my distanse was 297
this is diabolical!
my most fav is the rotation illusion it boggles the mind and its awsome but the tiger is hard to figure out
great game!:D
the replay valeu is high for me and the name says it all
not bad
but the game could uv been improved more,and dont get me wrong i love invader zim but the game still coulduv been better.
im sorry but.....
this game was nothing like i expected,the controls are good but the gun will never reload and the graphics are bad compared to the past games like madness eccellerant or regent.i wish you took the aspect of madness accelerant because this would be a great game and it would have my vote of 10 if the game was like accelerant.
AWSOME!! this game is better than that game dont shit your pants.if fun to see him i said fuck me. and he
the stupid screen in the game keeps moving everytime i try to drag something.fix the problem.if that problem wasnt in here i would have rated 10...if i was ever able to make a scene!
my thoughts......
gamplay=4...the gameplay gets repedetive and boring after a while. music=5.....the music is good thats all. graphics=6the graphics are rarely crisp or clear. controls=2... the controls are to sensetive and sometimes to stiff. over all
I have no real needs, I am a an average human being with a light aura (LOL) and I love the world. :P My best friends are currently Jessepenguin6, Darkspinesonic200000 , Funneemonkee, Computer247, HellHounder, MANDO22, logiebo, and Wilsonthewolf. ~Sonic~
Age 32, Male
Collegde and Walmart
Georgia Tech
Joined on 6/29/10