look at this new cover of the game!!!its 10 or 20 times better than the other cover.u can pre order the game for wii or ds at gamestop.com now!!i sure will..SONIC COLORS IS REALEASING IN NOVEMBER 2010 FOR WII AND DS!!!SONIC HAS THE POWER TO TORPEDO THROUGH WATER,SHOOT TROUGH THE LEVEL LIKE A LASER, AND EVEN DRILL THROUGH THE UNDRGROUND!!!SO AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!people say thats sonic unleashed sucks because of the werehog levels so in sonic colors they took that out and decided to make an intire sonic game about the daytime levels.this game will play the same as sonic unleashed but the wii gameplay will be like the xbox360 and the ps3.you will even have a boost bar like in sonic unleshed.so thats it for now.
bigger cover!!