I know what your thinking,but i want you all to think about it. look at it,its awsome isn it!!I hope I fit in here.and im probably gonna put some gameplay when i get it for wii.i have to wait though.i forgot the name but someone asked me to put some footage up but i was thinking about it from the start!and it will have commentary by me.other videos i figured i could uploed. send me comments on anything!i need more voting power!i have freinds just not that many!dont know why?im cool!send me an pm or comment on anything!ill respond.im even getting my own website!coming soon..dont know what to call it,im still working on it,it will have sonic games on it and maybe it will let all of you people have acounts on it!so ill keep workin on it!remember......coming soon..and sorry i couldnt gets better size of the picture of sonic and the wisps.its the best i can do for now.so i changed it! ill try harder!my website will most likely be about sonic and maybe you all can post vids and make your own page!cool huh?well i believe that my website will be finished on a monday.it will even have a chat room!and if the site is not comepletly finished ill finish it if its not done that day cause i go lots of places so i dont have that much time to finish it.so comment to get the weekly update so please comment or send me a pm!how do you uploed vids from youtube and stuff like that!!please tell me!and send me your thoughts of name that i can name the site with comment or send me a pm soon!and ill give you all the news on the update on the site! site is coming soon.........8/20/2010.....
lmao thanks this made my day!!
sonicwave249 (Updated )
no prob.im dieying for it to come out.